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Transform your teen into a

motivated, organized, and confident student

in the next 8 weeks!

Transform your teen into aĀ motivated, organized, and confident student

in the next 8 weeks!

Get Started

Is yourĀ student struggling with these issues?

Lacking motivation

Constantly falling behind

Feeling lost at school

Low confidence as a student

You're right to be concerned...

Schools are teaching kidsĀ WHATĀ to learn, but not HOWĀ to learn.

The time is NOW to build a successful future for your teenager - so they can thrive as confident, secure, and self-sufficient young adults.
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What Have You Tried?

Hiring a subject-specific tutor

Hiring a personal tutor is a common go-to when your child is struggling in school - and they can be helpful for better understanding and raising the grade in a single subject.  However, there’s a strong chance that the problem is greater than not grasping the concepts.

Kids usually comprehend curriculum if they’re well-prepared, confident, and understand effective note-taking methods such as Cornell Notes.

A general academic or subject-specific tutor doesn’t teach students these crucial strategies for success, such as getting organized, becoming self-motivated, and time management.


Dropping everything and coming to your kid’s rescue

When a parent discovers just how far behind their child is, the instinct is to drop everything, take time off work, and double-down with the student.

Cramming large amounts of overdue assignments into a short time-frame results in little retention of important knowledge and is terrible habit building.  In fact, with this approach most kids quickly fall into the yo-yo rut of procrastination and frenzied last-minute panic – a very hard habit to break!

Having an academic coach holding your child accountable is far more effective for developing best practices that are directly correlated to academic success, thus easing the tension of strained parent-student relationships.


Rewards and Punishments

It's easy to think we can convince our kids to work harder by dangling an irresistible carrot in front of them.  After all, what teenager wouldn't jump at the chance to get a car, ice cream, a vacation, or even cash?

External motivators rob kids of the powerful pleasure of their own intrinsic motivation, where they earn success based solely on their own desire, their own hard work, and their own merit.  The answers to motivating kids to excel lie within the student, not outside them.

Similarly, research shows that punishment is another ineffective tactic for improving academic performance.  If anything, it simply makes students angrier and more resentful towards their parents - it's truly a lose-lose scenario.

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I'm Annie Adjan, Your Child's Academic Success Coach

Annie Adjan

I transform students who struggle with motivation, organization, and study skills into academic superstars.

For over 14 years, Iā€™ve been a teacher and academic coach for both virtual and traditional high school students.Ā Ā 

Iā€™ve been active on the front lines of online learning since the earliest days of the virtual school movement - and I know the best methods for motivating kids from a distance.

Being part of a top-notch institution has provided me with valuable insights into the unique nature of online learning and the most effective strategies for student success.

My unique style of coaching can provide your student with the support and structure they need to become self-reliant, intrinsically motivated, and achieve their highest academic potential.

Itā€™s my greatest passion to transform students by using all of my experience, knowledge, and insider secrets.

My specialty isĀ helping underachieving students develop a lifelong loveĀ of learning!

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Here's how I'll help, guaranteed.

My Personalized Academic Coaching Program Includes:

Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching

We cover strategies for learning, motivation, time management, note taking communication skills, and confidence.

Consistent Communication

I help your student stay on task through communication during the week via phone/text/Zoom.

Detailed Insights on Your Child's Progress

You'll always be in the know.  I'll provide important updates on your child's progress and achievements.

My methods for helping your child are tried and true – they work!

During our consultation, I’ll customize a plan based on your family’s unique needs. 

I look forward to working with you and your child!

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