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How to Support Your Teen's Working Memory

Hello, my dear parents!  In today's episode, we'll dive into the importance of working memory and how you can support your teen in managing and improving it.

In This Episode, We Cover:

  • Understanding Working Memory Challenges: Learn why teens with ADHD struggle with working memory and how it impacts their daily life.
  • Visual Strategies for Memory Enhancement: I'll explain how visual mnemonics can transform abstract information into memorable, vivid images that stick.
  • Practical Tools for Everyday Organization: Discover tools and tips like the family notebook system to reduce mental clutter and keep track of essential tasks.
  • Designating Official Spaces: Learn the importance of specific, consistent places for everyday items to minimize misplacement and stress.

Feeling overwhelmed? Remember, each small strategy contributes to big changes. You can explore additional free resources and personalized coaching opportunities on my website. These tools are designed to empower you and your teen with ADHD, turning daily challenges into stepping stones for success.