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A Simple Way to Understand Your Teenager's Brain

Sep 26, 2023

Have you ever felt like deciphering your teenager's mood swings was equivalent to decoding an ancient language? One moment they're calm and collected, the next they're exploding like a firecracker. But don't fret, because today I'm going to introduce you to the fascinating world of the teenage brain and share a hands-on activity that's as enlightening as it is fun.

Having spent two decades passionately coaching teenagers to reach their full academic potential and assisting parents in sailing the choppy waters of teenage emotions, I've uncovered that while schools are experts in teaching the 'what', they often gloss over the 'how'. It's the difference between knowing the content and understanding the mechanism behind the learning process. For a more comprehensive dive into this, make sure to check out my curated packet filled with essential learning tools. But, for now, let's delve into the intricate labyrinth of the adolescent brain.

The Handy Model of the Brain

Thanks to Dr. Dan Siegel, a professor of Clinical Psychiatry at UCLA, we have a fun, tangible model to help us grasp the teen brain's structure and function. Let's get hands-on!

  1. The Brain Stem (Wrist): Representing the basic survival functions like breathing and heart rate, it's a quick reactor to perceived threats.
  2. The Limbic System (Palm & Thumb): The hub of emotions, with our thumb, or as I like to call it today, 'Thumbkin', representing the amygdala - the brain's alarm system. If the brain stem perceives danger, it alerts the amygdala.
  3. The Prefrontal Cortex (Fingers): The advanced section responsible for higher-level thinking, problem-solving, and essentially, being our brain's rational commander.

You might have heard the phrase "flipping their lid" when describing someone who's lost control of their emotions. In our hand model, it's when the amygdala is activated, causing the prefrontal cortex (our fingers) to disengage, leading to impulsive reactions based on "hot cognition".

Taming the Heat: Three Steps to Cooler Cognition

Recognizing this "heat" is the first step. Here's how to calm those fiery neurons:

  1. Stay Unwavering: Your steadfast calmness is a beacon for your teen. Remember, adding fire to fire just creates a bigger blaze.
  2. Ask the Magic Question: A simple "How can I help?" is more powerful than you think. It not only shows your genuine concern but also encourages your teen to engage their rational brain.
  3. Reconnect the Brain: This isn't just about pacifying a momentary outburst. It's about teaching long-term self-regulation, fostering a deeper understanding, and nurturing an enduring connection with your teen.

Parents, while this might seem like a lot to process, with practice, these techniques will become second nature. And I promise, as you harness these skills, not only will you navigate through these storms more efficiently, but you'll also emerge with a bond with your child that's stronger and more profound.

Stay committed, remain resourceful, and remember, every challenge faced together strengthens your relationship. Until our next deep dive, I wish you all A's in every endeavor. Adios!

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