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Master Emotional Regulation with Mindfulness Techniques adhd emotions mindfulness parenting Sep 06, 2024

Navigating the emotional landscape of a teen with ADHD can often feel like steering through a storm. The heightened emotional sensitivity and the delayed executive function related to emotional regulation can make everyday interactions challenging. But don’t worry,...

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Unlock Your Teen's Potential with Scaffolding Strategies adhd parenting Aug 30, 2024


As the new school year gains momentum, are you noticing your teen struggling to keep up, especially with their ADHD challenges?

Scaffolding is a powerful method to support your child's success across all aspects of life. It involves providing structured support as your teen learns...

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Empowering Teens with ADHD: Mastering Money Management Skills adhd parenting Aug 12, 2024

Feeling overwhelmed by your teen's money management struggles? You're not alone. Let's explore some effective strategies to enhance financial skills for young adults with ADHD.

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Boosting Working Memory in Teens with ADHD: Practical Strategies adhd memory parenting Aug 12, 2024

Are you constantly looking for effective ways to enhance your teen's memory and focus? Today, I'm excited to introduce you to three proven strategies that can significantly boost your teen's working memory, especially vital for those navigating the complexities of ADHD.

Why Focus on Working...

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5 Ways To Reduce Social Media Usage parenting social media Jul 13, 2024

As parents, our paramount responsibility is ensuring the safety and well-being of our children, from physical safeguards like helmets and seatbelts to digital defenses in the vast, often uncharted waters of social media. Just because platforms like Instagram and Snapchat are widely accepted...

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Pro-Social Parenting: A Guide for Families Navigating ADHD adhd parenting Jul 02, 2024

Navigating ADHD in children requires more than just discipline and structure—it demands a nurturing environment filled with understanding, humor, and proactive engagement. I'm Annie Adjan, your certified ADHD and academic coach. Today, we delve into the concept of pro-social parenting and...

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Harnessing Teen Interests: A Key to Managing ADHD adhd parenting Jun 25, 2024

Managing ADHD effectively involves more than just routine medical and therapeutic approaches—it’s about diving deep into the passions and interests of teenagers to truly make a difference. I’m Annie Adjan, a certified ADHD and academic coach, and I’m here to share...

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Optimizing Summer Productivity for Teens with ADHD: Time Blocking Strategies adhd parenting summer time management Jun 25, 2024

Summer can pose unique challenges for parents of teenagers with ADHD. Without the structure of school, maintaining productivity and focus can be difficult. As an ADHD coach specializing in helping parents and their teens, I'm Annie Adjan, and today I'm here to guide you through a proven strategy...

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The ADHD Brain Doesn't Learn from Its Mistakes adhd parenting Jun 02, 2024


I know firsthand how challenging it can be to parent teens with ADHD. Often, we hope they'll learn from their mistakes naturally, but for teens with ADHD, it’s not that simple. This post dives into why typical approaches might falter and highlights effective strategies...

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Parent Like an Orchestra Conductor adhd parenting May 07, 2024

How Parenting a Teen with ADHD is Like Conducting an Orchestra

Parenting a teenager with ADHD often feels like conducting an orchestra without a conductor. Picture a symphony orchestra, with various instrumental sections—the strings, brass, and percussion. The musicians, equipped with...

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A Powerful Parenting Strategy: Strong. Calm. Done. parenting Apr 29, 2024

Introduction: Parenting a teenager can often feel like navigating through a storm. Tensions can escalate quickly, and maintaining control without exacerbating the situation can be challenging. In these moments, a concise strategy is crucial. I'm excited to share a powerful three-word technique,...

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Discover the Power of No-Punishment Parenting parenting Dec 08, 2023

In today's world, parenting can often feel like navigating through an uncharted territory, especially when it comes to disciplining our children. But what if I told you that the most effective parents rarely, if ever, resort to punishment? It's a hard pill to swallow, but there's a way to raise...

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